
For some people the word “Finance” makes them cringe even though they want to attract more money into their lives. This is a word that is directly attached to money and it’s important to be mindful of how you resonate with it if you want to attract more of it. In the post, I will go over what to do about that.

money finance dollar bills

Gain Awareness of Your Meaning to “Finance”

What comes up for you when you say the word “MONEY” or “FINANCE”?

Let me tell you something. A few months ago, I was thinking of removing the word “Financial” from Sublime Financial Freedom because of the stressful and negative feeling that came up when I thought of that word.

Are you ssociating it with Hard or Boring things?

Many people (myself included) grew up associated it with hard things and things that were difficult to understand.

Even after acquiring the knowledge, that word can still leave a weird taste in your mouth because it could be reminding you of a past filled with confusion and limiting beliefs about money. Plus, it sounds technical. Like uptight businessmen in suits crunching numbers in an anxious demeanor.

Unlearn The Old and Re-learn a New Meaning 

A lot of resistance came up because I thought it only had to do with complicated topics only fit for rich, white men in conference rooms. It was intimidating and as a spiritual empath Latina, I didn’t feel like I belonged. But through bringing up these beliefs I was able to create new ones. I entered the finance field confidently even though people like me are not widely represented.

Choose A More Aligned Word

If this word of finance doesn’t feel right, pick what works and create your own financial path that is right for you: simple strategies, easy manifesting, being pulled to take aligned action instead of running away from something fearful.

Why The Word “Financial” In my Name?

Why would I choose such a word for my business, though? Because of the word immediately after “Freedom”. Let me elaborate on what I did there: I am standing up and facing the negative concept of this word and transmuting it into Freedom. I am facing discomfort now by actively educating myself on what Financial Freedom really means to me.

I am grateful for what comes up when I think of money because now that I’ve cleaned out the mental mess, I have reached the true meaning of financial freedom.


Words have power when they are tied to emotions. Be mindful of your belief about common words like Financial and be sure that it is in alignment with how you want to view the word. You can’t cut certain words from the vocabulary of the word, but you can choose how you want to interpret them. If all else fails, find a new word that suits you. One that has a positive meaning and will therefore help you attract more money

I am here to support you on your journey to manifest dinero easily. Schedule a 90-minute session HERE or book a bundle of calls to save

Cheers to abundance!