
Contrary to popular belief, money manifests in its own time. In this post, we explore the top 2 reasons why your money manifestations are taking so long and what you can do to make the process easier.

yellow clock on gray

Why Does it Matter?

One time I managed to manifest $1,000 in 3 weeks. This made me think about a time a few years back when I was just starting my manifestation journey and I could not (for the life of me) manifest $100 in the same amount of time. The time frame I set for myself came and went. It was frustrating not knowing when I was going to actually get the money and why I was able to manifest faster in this situation.

It’s important for you to understand that just because money manifested fast for you once, or for someone else, doesn’t mean that it will happen again.

What tends to happen is that you begin to feel frustrated and this energy will actually repel the money even more.


Instant Grat is Not a Thing 

First of all, manifestations will not happen instantaneously. Instant gratification is not a thing in the world of manifestation. How crazy would it be if you manifested things on the spot? I’m not just talking about the things you want, but everything that pops into your head!. 

I’ll pass on that, thanks.

It’s On Its Own Time

Secondly, manifestations will not happen when you want them. We are pretty smart and we think we know what we want but the Universe/God/Source knows stuff you don’t know. That is why trusting in divine timing is so important. There could be something on the other side that is better than what you originally imagined.

The time it takes to bring that money into reality is there to help you. Here is how;

How the Wait Helps You

1)  Reconsider

You are given time to reconsider and decide if this is really what you want and you prove that focusing more on what you want and by taking aligned action. Each action you take (like an investment or choosing to believe a resourceful thought) is an acknowledgment that you are still interested and ready to get closer to that manifestation.

2) Prepare

You are given time and experience to prepare for that manifestation.

Imagine finally getting the job of your dreams and you don’t have the proper training. You could make it work but it would be a lot easier if you work your way up to it. The journey is where you develop the talent and understanding of what you want. The journey also allows you to appreciate it a lot more.

Why Even Set Timeframes?

We are often told to set timeframes for our goals. What’s that point if the manifestations will happen on their own time?

I hear you amiga, But the truth is, we do impact how fast we get the money when we set a goal. Setting a timeframe, trains our minds to focus on an ending goal. It also helps us get organized and gives us clarity on what actions to take to reach that money goal.

Forcing it Doesn’t Help

Stay away from the desperate energy of wanting to hurry it along. There are aligned ways to do that and impatient desperate ways. 

As a very impatient person myself I know how hard this is. But darling, that energy is only putting it further away. It’s putting you in a space of scarcity 

You want to be somewhere between “This is in the frickin bag, it’s coming. Everything I’m doing is preparing me for it” and “It’s already happened and I’m so frickin excited!!!!”

Undeniable confidence in your success and taking consistent aligned action is what will make the money come faster.

Closing Thoughts

Life is happening for you and every minute that you don’t have your desired amount of money holds a lesson. Pay close attention so that you can understand what actions to take and the opportunities that show up.


Let’s continue the conversation

I am here to support you on your journey to manifest dinero easily. Schedule a 90-minute session HERE or book a bundle of calls to save.

Cheers to abundance!