
Transform your money with this powerful exercise made to supercharge your money. In this post, I will share with you one of my favorite exercises to manifest more money into your life.

Why This Works

This gem of an exercise combines affirmations and visualizing what you want so that you can maximize your attractions – in this case, money! Combining mantras and visualization within meditation is a very effective way to manifest massive amounts of money.

That is because to tap into the energy of money you need to incorporate emotions. You need to create a belief that everything you want is possible for you and beliefs are formed with thoughts and emotions. Visualizing as if you already have the money you want, along with feeling the joy that comes with the experiences, puts you into a vibration that is in line with money.

Let’s get started!

Select your Affirmation

Think of a mantra or affirmation you would like to embody for this exercise. Here are a few examples of money attraction:

Step 1 Visualize

When you visualize this mantra, it becomes a part of your physical reality. Add the emotions of what it would be like to manifest this goal and you convince your mind that it’s actually happening – on a subconscious level. Your mind cannot tell the difference between what’s real and imagined. 

The more you visualize in this way, the more you are rewiring your brain to accept these images something that is important. Your mind opens up and accepts the delicious new belief. The result = you’ll notice more opportunities that support this.

Step 2 Let it Go

After a few moments of visualizing your mantra, you let go. As in, stop thinking about the mantra and become incredibly mindful of the present moment. 

When you surrender this new mantra, your subconscious mind begins to digest it. A new program is being installed after all and this is the process of it loading into your subconscious mind.

Step 3 Silence the Monsters

You may notice that within the silence, there is space for the ego to fight back. It will come up with reasons why you can’t do that or tell you that this exercise is BS. this is your Ego trying to keep you from taking new (and therefore scry) actions. That way you stay in your comfort zone.


Allow it to throw its hissy fit and tell this part of yourself that it is heard and it is safe. Understand that this is your ego and it is scared of change. Resisting it will only make it scream louder but shining a light on it will release you from it. 

Further, calm down the chatter by slowly slipping into your next affirmation visualization.


Do this three times –  I promise you that the next couple of times that you do it, you’ll encounter less resistance and they’ll be a lot less pushback because you’re slowly removing the layers of limiting beliefs.

I am here to support you on your journey to manifest dinero easily. Schedule a 90-minute session HERE or book a bundle of calls to save. 

Cheers to abundance