I had a rocky relationship with money for most of my life, and the roots of this tumultuous connection can be traced back to my upbringing. My parents always seemed to be in conflict because there was never enough money to cover the bills. There were no substantial savings, and our family lived paycheck to paycheck. Even my friends struggled, often opting for new sneakers over having enough to put food on the table.

Shaking off my negative attitude towards money took time, but it was a transformational journey that led me to where I am today. I want to share some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way, especially with my fellow Latinas who may be facing similar struggles.

  1. Casual Chats, Real Connection: Have you ever thought about having a laid-back, no-judgment conversation about money with your best friends? Picture this: You gather over coffee, tea, cocktails, or mocktails, and you chat about your experiences and financial challenges. Sharing these stories with friends can help normalize money discussions, making you feel more at ease about your financial journey. It’s surprising how comforting and supportive these chats can be.
  2. Dream Big: Your dreams are like the North Star guiding your financial journey. It’s not just about numbers; it’s about the emotions and sense of security, fulfillment, and freedom you’ll experience. By dreaming big, you give your money goals a true purpose. Close your eyes, visualize the life you desire, and let that vision drive your financial choices. Dreaming big will help you stay motivated, even when the road gets bumpy.
  3. Budget Deep Dive: It’s time for a closer look at your expenses. What are you currently prioritizing? Sometimes, when you take a magnifying glass to your spending, you’ll discover opportunities to cut back on things that don’t align with your financial goals. Budgeting isn’t about deprivation; it’s about conscious choices that bring you closer to your dreams.
  4. Knowledge is Power: Education isn’t confined to the walls of a classroom. Dive into the world of money resources, blogs, and books. The more you know, the more confident you’ll become in making informed financial decisions. From understanding the basics of investing to learning how to negotiate a raise at work, knowledge truly is power. So, grab those books, follow financial experts, and absorb all the financial wisdom you can find.
  5. Savings Love: Think of opening a savings account as giving your money a cozy home and a mission. Set a goal – whether it’s building an emergency fund, funding a dream vacation, or investing in your future. Every penny saved gets you closer to your financial dreams. Think of it as a journey with mini-milestones, where every dollar saved is a victory.

Remember, healing your relationship with money isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. Take one step at a time, trust your journey, and surround yourself with positive vibes.

Ready to transform your money mindset and take control of your finances? Let’s chat! Click on this link to schedule a clarity call to see if private 1:1 coaching is a good fit. It’s time to uncover your limitless potential.