
In this post, I’ll be going over why money goals are not JUST for the privileged. This is a limiting belief that has recently been surfacing among female breadwinners and single-family households.

Here is what I hear: yeah it’s easy for her to go after her money goals she has a supportive spouse with a lucrative job. She was able to (* insert significant bold actions steps here*) I can never do that, I have a family to think of, I’m not that privileged…

Let’s explore why this mentality keeps you in the same financial spot.

Is this your belief about setting and taking action on money goals?

Look into this statement and explore why is it true for you.

Perhaps you think that by going after your goals, you are abandoning those that need you.

Maybe, you feel that financial abundance is only available for a select few.

Or going after your goals is putting yourself and your family in danger so you reduce the risk and avoid taking action.

Everyone has their reasons for believing and most of the time it stems from fear. When you explore this statement, ask yourself these questions without judgment and remain in a state of curiosity.

Why is releasing this limiting belief Important?

It is in your best interest to let go of the belief that you need to be privileged to have and go after your goals. Amiga, it is holding you back! It’s keeping you and your family in the same financial spot and the faster you get over it, the faster your money will grow.

Since when should we not follow through with our money goals simply because we are currently the main breadwinner in our families? This is when you need those goals the most!

The Money Goal Struggle is REAL

Believe me, I know that some of us do not have the same advantages. As an immigrant growing up in an impoverished neighborhood, I know! However, this should not stop you from doing your best with the available resources. Disadvantages should not be your excuse to stay where you are financial.

The thing is, this limiting belief affects us all whether we come from privilege or not. It is our ego yelling at the top of its lungs, creating excuses for you so you can stay in your comfort zone. It’s not about whether you are privileged or not, it’s about you not getting hurt.

You can’t allow the label of privilege to get in the way.
It all comes down to your belief in your ability to show up and do the work involved in making it happen.

If You’ve been blessed by the privilege Gods

If you have a lucrative career, a partner who made more money than you, or financially supportive parents/trust funds, would you feel more confident in your ability to make major changes in your life to support your money goals? Why? Perhaps, you take comfort in the idea of a safety net should it “not work out”.

This may give you confidence in your ability to make big money moves but that’s not always the case. You may fall victim to the same trap of not going after their money goals. Perhaps you won’t try as hard because you always have something to fall back on.

Having any level of the financial cushion is an absolute blessing. If you are privileged enough to have financial backing, remember that you still have to go all out and avoid the self-talk of “if it fails, that’s okay because I have XYZ to back me up”. Make sure that you put in the amount of effort that you would put in should you not have a plan B.

If you don’t come from privilege

Now, if you are the main breadwinner in your family or even less privileged than the successful people you see on social media, go in with the same level of confidence. Yes, as if you had come from privileged.  You are going to do your best and take aligned action that is specific to your goals. I understand the pressures of responsibility for your family.

I have felt the need to support my family all my life. Since I began working at age 15 I have helped my parents with bills. I grew up with a fear of failure, because if I “failed” not only would I not have a financial safety net to fall back on, but I would have failed my family too. Who would take care of them?

It took a while to shake this fear because I learned that failure is not a bad thing – it is an experience filled with lessons and an important mental shift that will help us move closer to where we want to be. Therefore, you never start from scratch. You have all of this experience under your belt that makes you who you are – a unique Goddess with wisdom.


This limiting belief of not wanting to set goals because you don’t have the privilege or a backup plan is the very thing keeping you from making progress. It usually stems from a hidden fear so begin with why this belief is coming up.

The cost of doing the mindset shifts and taking the steps to financial freedom has risks – of course, they do. But what is the cost of staying exactly where you are at this moment?

No matter what support you have, no matter how large your safety net is, make a promise to yourself. Promise that you will trust in yourself to show up, make the mental shifts, and take aligned steps towards your financial freedom. You are counting on YOU.

Let’s continue the conversation

Get clarity on what exactly is keeping you from making progress in your money goals. You now have the option to book single coaching sessions  with me 

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Cheers to Abundance!