Explore the Massive Money Block Clearing benefits of this ancient Hawaiian practice.

What is Hoʻoponopono?

Hoʻoponopono is the traditional Hawaiian practice of forgiveness. It is in Hawaii’s native language, meaning “to make things right again”. 

 I was first introduced to it when I visited the island of Samoa back in 2018 but, at the time, I thought nothing of it.

It wasn’t until a year later when I began to explore various tools for releasing limiting beliefs that this incredible practice reemerged in my life. Yo no ce, this time it hit different.

The practice is essentially a prayer with 4 affirmations that facilitate the releasing and forgiveness process. Yes, forgiveness is important to be able to release. Hear me out, amiga.

Why Forgive?

You need to be able to forgive in order to let go. Without it, and by holding onto grudges, you are resisting the dinero progress, BIG TIME. I don’t know about you but, I use to hold a crap ton of grudges and the fact that I use to be surrounded by chisme didn’t help.

Grudges and negative emotions amount money are the equivalents of a dark cloud over your head that rains poison over you. They suck the money life out of your bank accounts. Ok maybe that’s a little dramatic, but this level of negativity does drain you and that energy can be used to think of money-making ideas instead.

How is this helping you? It’s not, in fact, it is keeping you from focusing on what you need to focus on to get paid.

What is Forgiveness, Really?

Forgiveness is essentially like cutting cords and releasing. It is allowing yourself the freedom that you need to get down to business. With freedom comes clarity and we all want some of that. 

For some, holding onto people and situations that suck feels like carrying rocks up a hill. Chica do you really need all that weight? No, so drop those rocks and watch them roll downhill. They are no longer yours to carry

The person or situation can feel like a dark cloud or dark space in your heart. Imagine this dark, heavy energy leaving your body.

The relief you’ll get afterward is liberating AF.

But if you still feel “meh” about forgiving, you don’t have to call it that. Remember, forgiveness is releasing. If you don’t feel like forgiving Fulatino for the crap he did to you back in 2017, what about releasing him? 

Amiga, it’s the same thing but use whatever makes you feel more involved. Alright, let’s get started.

What is Hoʻoponopono?

The prayer is some variation of the following affirmations:

It doesn’t matter in what order you say it. This is the way I learned and this is the way it feels right for me. It flows better, like a process. To me, it’s similar to the stages of forgiveness. Keep reading to see what I’m talking about.

Now when you say these affirmations/prayers, this is what you mean:

I’m Sorry

Meaning: as I speak to my higher self, I am aware of the situation and I am sorry for holding onto it for so long. I have been hurting myself for holding onto it and for that I am sorry. 

Please, Forgive me

Meaning: I release this situation/person. To forgive is to cut cords. This burden is no longer mine to carry. I unsubscribe from the emotions that this situation/person has caused. This situation/person will no longer affect me because I have DECIDED to detach. Goodbye. 

 I imagine a cord between us being cut. 


 I imagine myself putting down the heavy stones that were once this burden. I am free.

“ I know that no negative thought can ever manifest except I emotionalize the thought and accept it mentally. I refuse to entertain their suggestion of fear. Therefore, no harm can come to me” 

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy

Thank You

Meaning: Thank you for all the lessons. Because of them, I am now wiser and stronger. 

I Love You

Meaning: I am sending love to the situation/person. There is now an empty space that once carried the hurt.  I replace the hurt with loving energy because love brings abundance.

How to practice Hoʻoponopono?

You can practice this at any time. All you have to do is bring up the person or situation blocking your ability to be happy(and therefore your money abundance).

I challenge you to bring up 10 experiences/situations/persons that have contributed to your broken relationship with money. Anything/anyone you hold a grudge against, or have been triggered by can be added to this list.

We are about to release these things real quick so we can make room for the good stuff.

Write them down and as you do, feel the annoying emotions. Don’t worry, It’s safe because these things are just in your head. Feel the emotions for a few seconds then begin to release them with the Hoʻoponopono prayer. Say the prayer 3x after each situation and imagine you releasing them while you say the prayer.

Your turn

Now that you have the gist of it, it’s time to get releasing. Download this simple spreadsheet to guide you through this process.

If you are still struggling with manifesting more money into your life or if you are feeling suck – I invite you to book a 60-minute call with me.  You’ve struggled long enough and deserve to release these money blocks.

Cheers to abundance!