You have the power to manifest your DREAM job and this post will show exactly how you do that.

manifest dream job,

It’s time to manifest your dream job

This is it, you have made the decision to leave the comfort of your current job and declare a much more aligned way to bring in more money. It is the end of an Era. You are saying goodbye to the kind of person that works where you currently working.

The focus here is on transitioning to the next phase even if you don’t have a clear idea of what that phase is. It is about acting as if you have already found that dream job and are already going through the emotional and physical tasks to transition from the old unfulfilling work to the new one.

Keep reading, as I will break down what it really means to master this money manifestation technique: 

Walk through your day as if it was your last

Goodbye and Gratitude 

Begin to say goodbye (in your mind) and be mindful of everything around you. You know,  as if it’s the last time you are walking through the place. 

You know that feeling of walking down the halls for the last time or logging out of a work program for the last time. Something you see every day and took for granted suddenly hit differently. 

Fill yourself with gratitude for the lessons you’ve learned. The place you have outgrown has prepared you for the next step. Remember that this job brought you lessons and experiences that you can use wherever your life takes you. 

Remember why you started working here in the first place and take with you the lessons that are in alignment with that next-level version of you – the rich AF chica already manifesting her dream life.

Go through the motions: mentally say thank you for the experiences, for your coworkers, and bosses! Thank the experience and fill your heart with gratitude. You gotta mean it too! Don’t go around with a fake smile or empty words, gratitude is a feeling. 

Clean up

For you, this may look like physically cleaning your workspace and if you are in an office, begin to take some small personal belongings home. 

If you are working from home,  rearrange your space. Do something that signifies change. This puts your mind on alert to expect something different. 

The cleaning also energetically cleanses the space. Dust and clutter hold onto heavy energy that weighs you down. So a nice touch-up will bring more clarity to your mind too.

Let me also remind you that it’s wise to leave a space better than you found it and this includes relationships too. You don’t have to be friends with people you don’t like but practice forgiveness and mend any upsetting relationships. This is more for you than them, you always want to leave a workplace on a good note.

Practice energetic cord cutting to remove any grudges or upsetting experiences that cause tension in your soon-to-be old job. .

Get excited about the next step

Finally, look forward to this new fulfilling next step in your journey. Even if you don’t know what to do next, the emotions and expectations of what you want will attract it.

But if you do know our next step, focus on this opportunity, the positives, and how this dream job will give you all that you want.

This is a new exciting phase. You are jumping into the unknown and that is crazy brave, amiga! Be proud of yourself for making this decision. 

Instead of worrying about the possibility of you making a wrong decision, see this next phase as expansive and exciting!

Final thoughts

Creating the illusion that you are leaving a workplace while knowing what you want and taking the small steps to get there will attract your dream job. 

It’s about gratitude and cleaning the old to make room for the new.

If you are looking to attract your dream job and don’t know where to begin. We can discuss how to find clarity and manifest exactly what you want. Schedule a 90-minute call here or save with a bundle of calls.