So your money manifestations are not happening as fast as you want them to. You may even have had a recent setback and wonder what you are doing wrong. In this post, I will show you why rejection is actually redirecting you towards something better.

My Recent Setback 

I had reached my darkest of days. I’m not trying to be extra here, It felt awful.

What “had happened” was… I had to make a decision that almost felt like I was taking  2 steps back. I felt lost and doubtful, and I wondered how I could ever manifest my goals when I feel so behind. Was I stupid to have taken a $12k paycut? To leave the comfort of a life that was not doing me any good? Hey, por lo menos it was comfortable! And yet I felt like, I had suffered a blow to my money plans, it’s no longer linear. 

That was the day I decided to quit my job for another.

Then I realized, that these feelings of disappointment and the inconvenience of what looks like a setback are actually a redirection. 

What is a Redirection?

Redirection is often disguised as a misfortune and happens when faced with an important decision or working towards a goal. I know you’ve been there: when you are trying to pay off your debt or save some money or move towards your dream career. Then, BAM! there is an unexpected expense, you lose your job, or have to relocate. Just when you were getting the hang of the ideas of success too!

 Instead of thinking of the worst-case scenario like you’ve made a mistake or jump on the train of shame and guilt, ask yourself these questions:

The Redirection is Teaching You

Pay attention to what the redirection is teaching you.  There is always a benefit to everything that is happening. You attracted this experience and there is always a reason for it. It’s not that what happened is your fault but you are 100% responsible for it. The good thing about this is that it also gives you the power to be 100% accountable for attracting what you want. 

This experience could be the very thing to teach you what you need to know to reach that version of yourself that you desire to be. It may not make any sense because the subconscious world is not like the analytical mind – that makes sense.

The universe and your subconscious mind communicate in lessons, metaphors, stories, emotions, and vibes. It is up to you to interpret it and only you can do that. Professionals can guide you towards clarity but they can not tell you exactly what the experience is teaching you.

You have to dive deep into your money story, look into the patterns that come up, and see if you can connect the dots.

You may have to unlearn everything in this process because the person you currently are is not the person that will get you to the next step. Not to say you should be someone else – you are unlearning the conditioning that has gotten you to this point. You are finding and co-creating who you really are.

The Redirection is Waking You Up

This could be the much-needed wake-up call. Who knows,  it’s probably the only way the universe could get your attention because you were so stuck in your old ways. We, humans, are built to stay in our comfort zone. That is how our ancestors survived. But this trait doesn’t do us much good these days so something new has to happen to manifest the bank account that you want.

 New experiences, even crappy ones, put your mind on alert to wake up and find new opportunities. Our minds can only see what we are trained to see.

 You can change that by entertaining the beliefs/thoughts/experiences you are curious about. Follow s the nudges because they hold clues to what you should be doing to live your best life.

Final Thoughts

The things that happen in your everyday life – even the ones that suck are helping you. This is your higher self pointing you in YOUR right direction. Pay attention to what the signs are.

LISTEN, it’s for your own good🕯. TRUST, what’s coming is better.

Life happens for you, not to you.