Your money journey is not linear especially when you take big scary steps toward something that’s unfamiliar. If you are feeling confused and frustrated with a financial decision, read this article for clarity.


Why does the frustration happen?

I recently had to make an important decision that was going to change my life. I was torn about what to do and that lead to a whole lot of frustration. 

Even when I thought I made my decision, the fear part of my mind began to work overtime to find the reasons why this decision I’ve made will lead to failure. It was like the chismosa Tennant living rent-free in the inner parts of your mind – yeah, that chick.

The reason she was acting up (and may for you too) is that this new decision will lead to something that is unfamiliar and unfamiliar is dangerous because there is a possibility of loss. 

When you have to make a decision that will affect your finances, you tend to overthink and make it more complicated than it really is. The fears that you have been suppressing may come to the surface and put you in a place that makes decision-making even harder than it has to be.


Reconnect with your Purpose

Step away from the problem and go back to your desire, your why, and the identity that has everything she wants.

The identity you are bringing is the successful version of you, your higher self. 

Why do you want to BE this person and accomplish all of this?  This is your purpose,

When you bring your mind back to the foundations of why you are making this decision it does two things:

  1. Rompe(break) the cycle

It breaks the cycle of negative thinking. You will not get much done in a state of scarcity and fear. So by getting out of your head and into a mindset of what you want (peace, control, wealth) you give your mind room to focus on solutions.

  1. Narrow down options

It helps you narrow down your options because you can base your decision on what that version of yourself would do 

Ask  the future successful version of yourself what would they do in this situation She will show you the way

Something to note: This may be a good time to figure out if you still want those things or if there is a shift in your priorities. As you grow, so does your purpose. Be mindful of putting yourself in a box of an identity that no longer serves you.

Guides and Tools are Everywhere

You are not going at this decision-making alone. You have all the tools and resources available to help you make the most aligned decision. Bring in the help of your supportive group, professional spirit guides, ancestors, and God/ the Universe itself to assist.

Affirmation: I know I have the tools I need to make it work. I am guided.

Remove the blocks

There is something blocking you from making a decision so it’s time to get unblocking. Release what is keeping you stuck by 

Find the uncomfortable and what is safe

There comes a time when you have to admit to yourself that the comfortable life you have been living is not going to get you to your dream life.

When I say comfortable, I don’t mean your current life is physically comfortable. When I say comfortable I mean familiar because what’s familiar is known.

Getting out of that identity is like leaping into a dimly lit room where you don’t know for sure what can happen. Is there even a floor? 

We place so much fear in the next steps but in reality, we are afraid of leaving what we have.  However, this next step is needed to shift into your new identity. 

Affirmation:  this next step is safe. I am safe to do things differently.

Ask yourself what you need to feel safe to take the next step towards financial freedom:

Final thoughts

I know how debilitating it can be to make a hard financial decision when you have no idea what to do. Remember that you are never given anything that you cannot handle. You’ve got the tools and resources to help you figure it out.

 Focus on the identity you want to create. What would wealthy you do? That version of you will show you the way.

If you are feeling stuck, you don’t have to do it alone. In my 90-minute money manifestation sessions, I guide you through the process of eliminating money blocks and finding clarity on what to do next. The result – finally manifesting life-changing cash!

Click here to schedule your 90 minutes session or save $$$ with a bundle of calls. 

Cheers to abundance!