Many historically marginalized communities are questioning their ability to achieve financial abundance in uncertain political environments. They feel helpless and like their financial future is out of their control should a certain government candidate wins. In this post, I will go into how to regain your financial confidence no matter who is in power.

puppet going towards money

I met with a friend recently who was gravely concerned with her financial situation should the political climate go in a way that did not benefit them. 

These are real concerns for many of us—especially in historically marginalized communities.

For those who don’t understand what I’m getting at, imagine trying to find a job when you are the type of person the government is oppressing.  We are talking about people of color, women, the elderly, people with limitations or disabilities, members of the LGBTQIA+ communities, and more. 

It’s unbelievable to think this is still an issue but it is.

The truth is, many of us are putting too much power on outside forces. 

What to focus on when in a marginalized community

Whether you are an activist, do enough to create awareness and change, or are too overwhelmed to get by (no judgment), I will give you the same advice.

The change goes where your attention goes.

For those who are actively focusing on changing the political environment – something we should all be taking part in – there is a way to do this so that you get the most out of it. Focus on where you want to be more than the issues at hand.

For those who have done enough – you can do more, but it’s not what you think. 

We can do our best to elect people who respect fundamental human rights – possibly the lesser of two evils.  So many people are even contemplating leaving their state or even the country should things go their version of “south”.

There are things you can do, yet I understand that there is only so much you can do physically to show your support.

Focus your mind on the goal

The easiest way is to shift the change within your mind. Not on the problems, not on what you should have done or what Fulanito isn’t doing – focus on the kind of person you want to be

This is not selfish, it is needed to get you to a place where, If you feel called to, be able to help others. 

In a way, you are the center of the universe, not in a conceited type of way. But think about how your surroundings change when you begin to think differently. Think about the people you begin to attract or lose contact with (aka those who no longer serve you). Use this power to your advantage!

Tend to your financial business

Look at where you are not without judgment. Begin to explore your options to get you in a place that feels safe no matter what is going on out there. This could be

These tasks and new habits will become clear to you once you explore what kind of person you have t be to reach your money goals.


It pains me that so many people feel hopeless in this environment and I am here to remind you that you are NOT hopeless.

No matter what is going on out THERE, YOU are responsible for your own reality. YOU have the power to create change – yes out there in society in a probably limited way – but also within yourself.

Change starts within yourself and the faster you realize this the faster the outside world will change.

Your future self will thank you.

If you are feeling lost because of your money situation, I invite you to book a 60-minute call with me. Let’s release what you need to let go of to finally gain clarity on your next steps. The link to schedule it is in my bio.