broken piggy bank


Do you know those emergency expenses that come up after you’ve made progress on your money goals? You manifested those financial setbacks too. In this article, I will show you why this happens and how to stop manifesting what you DON’T want.

We often think that when we manifest something, it is always something positive. Think of when you found a $20 bill on the street, you’d think “oh I manifested that”. But what do you say when later that day a surprise bill comes into your inbox. Did you manifest that too? Surely you didn’t mean to do it.

I’ve been there. When you finally manifest extra cash or finally get a raise and boom out comes yet another unexpected expense.

The reality is that you did manifest it. But how and why? Keep reading!

How Manifestation Works

Manifestation is bringing into reality anything you focus on. It is happening whether you are focusing on something you want or not. That is why it is crucial to practice mindfulness and manifest the things we want in life – this is called conscious manifesting. 

The thing is, our subconscious mind determines what we manifest and this information is not accessible as easily as what’s in your conscious mind. A quick thing about the subconscious mind – it never sleeps. Unlike the conscious mind which is only active in your waking hours, your subconscious mind is active 24 hours a day. 

So this means that since you manifest from the subconscious mind, you are manifesting 24 hours a day!

Why Are You Manifesting Crappy Financial Setbacks?

The reason why these unexpected expenses keep coming up for you is because of your resistance to keeping the money that you manifest. You could be subconsciously looking for ways to self-sabotage your newly acquired wealth. It could also be a matter of not feeling enough gratitude for what you already have. Let’s look into this further.

Stop looking for Scarcity

 One way you to attract more unexpected expenses is by looking for scarcity. It’s not like you actively look for scarcity, but your subconscious programing may be looking for it. 

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

The Solution

Become very aware of the reason why you feel the need to look for scarcity with the questions above. Really sit with those questions and dig deep

Focus on solutions rather than what can go wrong and anticipate you going further than ever before. It could be about believing in yourself, yes, but also you must have an unwavering identity that spends time and energy on the goal.

Not Enough Gratitude 

Gratitude brings about emotions of wholeness, joy, satisfaction, and completeness. These emotions create an energy that is on a similar level to wealth. Once you are connected to the frequencies of wealth, you will have an easier time acquiring it. 

By being in a state of gratitude, you are telling the universe/higher source/God/Whatever, that this is what you want more of. This is especially important when it comes to small money manifestation, like finding a quarter on the side of the road. If you appreciate a quarter, you can be trusted to appreciate $1,000,000.

The Solution

We as humans are guilty of cutting our gratitude phrase short and immediately going to the next phase. Stop that.

When you acquire extra money, stay in the space of gratitude for as long as you can. What this does is that it puts you in a place of abundance. You earned the money and more is sure to come. 

Give yourself permission to enjoy the fruits of your labor no matter how small.

Not Feeling Safe with this New Level of Wealth

Another reason why you may be self-sabotaging your money progress is by not feeling safe with the level of wealth that is possible for you. You immediately search for the shoe to drop or the “catch”.

This is a sure way to self-sabotage our efforts because we end up attracting what we focus on more – in this case, more expenses. A self-fulfilling prophecy.

There are many reasons why you wouldn’t feel safe such as having an inner fear of not being able to handle that kind of money. With more money can come more responsibilities that you may not be ready for. It could also be fear of judgment of something happening should you become successful.

The Solution

Find out what would it take for you to feel safe with this new level of wealth. It could be that you need to dismantle any limiting beliefs of what you think having this money means. It could be that you need more clarity in the unknown or more preparations

Train your mind with affirmations and Subliminals to be safe in this new environment for extended periods of time. You can do this by focusing on the benefits that feeling safe would give you. 


We are constantly manifesting 24 hours a day. The big question is what are you focusing on that is bringing more expenses than income? Are you expecting more of what you don’t want?

Remember you are allowed to be wealthy and happy for an extended period of time. Give yourself permission and watch consistent abundance flow 

Soon you will be manifesting the things that you want!

Keep The Desired Manifesting Going (Not the Financial Setbacks)

If you are still struggling with a money block like this one, check out the free guided mediation and as always, I am here to support you on your journey to manifest dinero easily. Schedule a 90-minute session HERE or book a bundle of calls to save

Cheers to abundance!