Today, I want to share a story that might resonate with many of you. It’s a tale of dreams, challenges, and the power of shifting perspectives when it comes to our financial goals.

I recently had a heart-to-heart with a client who had a dream – a bigger kitchen. Now, don’t get me wrong; that’s a beautiful aspiration, but dreams often come with a reality check. In her case, she was deep in debt, spending more than she made, and her current income couldn’t support a larger space.

Dreaming big is crucial, but we also need to assess where we stand financially and figure out the steps to reach our goals.

Feeling the Dream: A Mindset Shift

So, I threw a challenge her way – to envision and feel as if she already had that dream kitchen. We delved into Pinterest, exploring images of spacious kitchens. I asked her to identify what resonated with her. Why this kitchen? How does it make you feel? What specific features do you love?

It turned out, she craved the feeling of openness. Her focus shifted from what she didn’t want (clutter) to what she desired.

You see, she grew up in a cluttered environment, and that subconscious conditioning echoed in her current living situation and, surprisingly, in her approach to money.

Creating Openness Now: A Practical Approach

We discussed ways to embrace that feeling of openness without waiting for the bigger kitchen. For her, it meant decluttering – clearing countertops and parting ways with unnecessary items in her current kitchen.

Surprisingly, the transformation didn’t require a hefty budget. By bidding farewell to unused plastic containers, an oversized juicer, an extra air fryer, and quirky mugs collected as gifts and souvenirs, her kitchen underwent a metamorphosis. It became more open, more inviting.

Sure, it’s not a bigger space, but the feeling of openness is there, creating room for more positivity.

Understanding Your Desires: The Connection Between Spaces and Finances

Sometimes, we desire things without fully understanding why. There’s always a story behind our wants, and often, there are affordable ways to recreate those feelings.

It’s about shifting your perspective and being flexible in your approach. Your dreams are valid, and so are the feelings attached to them. Find ways to manifest those emotions in your current reality, even before achieving the larger goal.

Ready for a Money Transformation in 2024? Let’s Chat!

If you’re ready to massively transform your money mindset in 2024, I invite you to book a 30-minute call with me. Let’s explore if private coaching is the right fit for you. Click on this link to schedule the call and let’s embark on this journey together.

Remember, it’s not just about the destination; it’s about the openness we create along the way.