It’s not that you don’t know what to do to build wealth, it’s that you have not become the person who will get it done. To make the changes you need to begin by cleaning out those limiting beliefs and creating new ones and this post will explore one of many ways to do that

Clear out the mental trash is crucial for getting past a money plateau I had all the financial strategies but the beliefs I had about me and my money story were trash. So I went out on a mission to explore as many money block-clearing techniques as I could.

Introducing: The window to your rich dreams technique

 Imagine you are inside and it’s a beautiful sunny day out but you don’t know how beautiful it is outside. Why?

Because the window is all clogged up with gunk you haven’t cleaned in years. The window gunk is your crappy thoughts about money that build over time. Matter of fact, you’ve never cleaned this window. So it is dirty from the previous owner too that you’ve inherited. This happened with our money beliefs too, we inherit crap from the people around us.

That’s not your fault though. It’s in our instinct to observe others. From the ages of 0-7, we adopt what we see in the world as facts and that forms the basis of our beliefs moving forward. Even after we start analyzing things, our actions are based on the central default program that was created in our early childhoods. 

Back to the visualization of the dirty window. 

You don’t know what is possible for you on the other side, all you see is the muck and the outside through the lends of the muck. 

The decision to clear it out

You have to be in a mindset of wanting to clear it out and that is the first decision you make. You get curious about what life looks like without the dirty altering haze. This can come from motivation fueled by what you don’t want. 

You could be so fed up with your current financial situation that you decide to change. So life’s money frustrations are helpful in that way. It’s the initial spark into wanting change.

Inspect what is there

Cleaning out the window requires you to get close to it and inspect what’s there. You have to know what you are going up against so you can know how to tackle it.

Just like different stains require different cleaners and tools, different mental blocks require different techniques. 

Also, your preferences take into account what tools you use. You could be allergic to certain ingredients so you don’t use those. You could hate the smell of certain things and the thought of using that thing repulses you.

Same thing with your choice of mental release method, but the point of this step is to know your options. 

Second decision: cleaning it

 The next decision you have to make is whether or not you will pick up the cleaning supplies and tools to clean the mucky window filled with unresourceful limiting beliefs about money.

 It’s uncomfortable and probably stinks. Your arms aren’t used to this movement. So you’ll get tired, you’ll want to give up.

The process of clearing out beliefs you’ve had your whole life is not fun. 

Motivation comes with movement

Then after some time, you see a sliver of light. The light of the outside world could be an idea or a source of motivation. You see how freeing it feels to have a clean window and this causes you to keep going.

The key to motivation is to get started and change something! With movement comes clarity.

Eventually, you will be able to see the outside. Imagine being done and having a clean window. The outside being is another way of saying what’s possible for you and opportunities to get there. 

You can see in the distance what your life is like after you acquire a satisfying level of wealth. What you also see is many roads leading to that goal. The road you choose is based on your personal preferences and you have access to all of them.

Final Thoughts

Use this visualization technique whenever you are feeling stuck in your money journey. It is one of many techniques that I use with my clients in our private 1:1 coaching sessions. If you feel called to work with me, let’s set up a call to see if we are a good fit. Click on this link to schedule the call.

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Clearing out the window of opportunities is one way I help my clients attract life-changing money. If you feel called to explore private 1:1 coaching, click on this link to schedule a clarity call and see if we are a good fit.