Hola my fabulous money-manifesting amiga! Welcome back to Part Two of our mind-altering blog series on how to reprogram that sneaky subconscious of yours and attract money like a magnet. If you missed Part One, don’t worry, we’ve got your back – here is the link to that article. But buckle up, because things are about to get even juicier!

Now, in Part Two, we’re diving deep into some game-changing tips that will take your money mindset to new heights. We’re talking about keeping a close eye on your environment, because, chicas, what surrounds you can either uplift or drag down your money vibes. It’s time to Marie Kondo your space and make room for abundance!

But wait, there’s more! We’re gonna tap into the power of visualization. Get ready to flex those imagination muscles, ’cause we’re about to paint a vivid picture of the financial success you desire. It’s like creating your very own money vision board, but with a sprinkle of magic.

And hold on tight, ’cause we’re also gonna explore the mind-altering world of binaural beats. Yeah, we’re gonna groove to some funky frequencies that will synchronize your brainwaves and turbocharge your manifestation mojo. Trust me, it’s like a dance party for your subconscious mind!

So, grab your notepad, put on your favorite salsa playlist, and get ready to soak up these mind-blowing tips like a sponge. By the end of this blog, you’ll be on your way to becoming a money-manifesting superstar with a mindset that attracts wealth effortlessly. Let’s do this, chicas!


Alright, chicas, let’s talk about rewiring that magnificent brain of yours for some serious success! You see, when it comes to manifesting money, we gotta keep those negative vibes at bay. Your subconscious mind is like a sponge, soaking up info from all around you and using it to shape your beliefs and actions. And guess what? That includes all the toxic stuff from the daily news, the Debbie Downers in your life, and the black hole of negativity called social media.

But fear not, my amigas! We’ve got a secret weapon: proximity equals power. It’s all about surrounding yourself with positive, uplifting people who’ve got your back. Think of them as your money-mindset cheerleaders! And let’s not forget about the power of good books, inspiring videos, and music that gets your booty shaking and your mindset soaring.

As you keep on reprogramming that beautiful mind of yours, you’ll start to notice a magical shift. Your subconscious will become a positive powerhouse, cheering you on and drowning out those pesky negative thoughts like they’re bad karaoke singers. It’s all about creating a positive environment that supports your money manifestation journey.


l\let’s dive into the realm of daydreaming with a purpose! Picture this: your perfect day, that big work presentation, or that exciting first date you’ve been dreaming of. Now, hold on tight because we’re about to make them all a reality.

Here’s the plan: carve out 10 to 15 minutes each day to get cozy and visualize your dreams as if they’ve already happened. Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and even the smells of that amazing experience. Trust me, your subconscious mind will gobble up those mental images like a hungry churro lover, and it will soak in all the positive feelings as if they’re 100% real.

Why does this matter, you ask? Well, my amigas, because when you feel it in your bones and believe it in your soul, you gain a superpower called inner confidence. And with that confidence, you become unstoppable in bringing those dreams to life.


Now, before you think it involves some sci-fi experiments gone wrong, let me break it down for you in our signature casual and funny style.

Biohacking is all about getting crafty with our health and wellness, using experimentation and cool technology to level up our game. Think of it like giving your body a turbo boost, but without the need for a secret lab or a mad scientist laugh.

So, how do we biohack? Well, it can involve all sorts of funky stuff. We’re talking about things like red light therapy, which sounds like something straight out of a superhero movie but can actually improve our health. Or how about intermittent fasting, where we strategically time our eating to kickstart some weight loss action? And let’s not forget about those supplements that can turn us into health superheroes!

But wait, there’s more to this biohacking adventure. One powerful way to reprogram that fabulous mind of yours is through the magic of music. Yep, you heard me right! Our brainwaves groove to different beats, and we can tap into those brainwave states to induce certain feelings. Enter binaural beats, where we play two tones at different frequencies to unlock specific states of mind.

And get this, chicas: when we’re in a relaxed state, our subconscious mind becomes a sponge, soaking up information like a champ. So, by jamming out to some binaural beats and triggering those alpha brainwaves, we’re setting the stage for some serious subconscious reprogramming.


So there you have it! Three more ways to reprogram your subconscious mind and unlock an unlimited amount of money.

Alright, it’s time to take action and make some serious dinero magic happen! If you’re ready to kick those pesky limiting beliefs to the curb and get crystal clear on how to manifest money like a boss, I’ve got an offer you can’t resist.

Book yourself a FREE 30-minute call with me. Together, we’ll dive deep into your money goals, identify those sneaky limited beliefs that are holding you back, and create a clear roadmap to manifesting that DINERO.

Consider this call your personal money mindset makeover session. We’ll zap away any doubts or fears that are blocking your money flow, and replace them with empowering beliefs that will have your wallet doing a happy dance.

Cheers to abundance!