Manifesting money with confidence means showing up with a belief so legit that money has no choice but to fall on your lap. In this article, I’ll show you how to manifest money while you are out and about.


A few weeks ago my family and I were visiting a pick-your-own tulip farm and we made a pitstop in one of those NJ rest areas named after some famous person – In this case, it was Molly Pitcher. You know, that lady who carried water on the battlefield during the Revolutionary War.

Anyways, I am walking towards the main building when I see a dollar on the ground. So I smile and casually pick it up. Something tells me to look back and I see what appear to be 3-4 dollar bills folded. So I went to pick that bundle up too.

A gentleman nearby jokes that I shouldn’t be dropping my money in front of all of these people. The assumption is that others would take it. We laughed, when all of a sudden, another person calls out to me “Ms! You dropped your money!” and hands me another dollar bill.

I confidently took it and thank them but was gratefully shocked at what just happened.

Everyone was in a rush (in typical New Jersian and New Yorker fashion) and it all happened so fast. Before I knew it, they were all gone leaving me with a total of $7 in my hand.

Thinking back, I know that they assumed I dropped my money but why?

Could it be because I exuded vibes of confidence as I picked them up and have already accepted this money as mine?

Could it be the overwhelming gratitude?

Either way, my mantra recently has been “I graciously accept money from a multitude of happy sources” and it seems like that began to manifest this weekend.

$7 may not seem like much, but to me, I put in the same level of excitement that I would have for finding $7,000.

I normalized the experience but with a heightened level of gratitude. The reason why I do this is that now the universe trusts in my ability to receive money. If I can be grateful for $7, I can be grateful for $7k.

That is why I always pick up pennies on the street with gratitude. Yes, even pennies. 

How to find money in the streets

 These streets are filled with money and the opportunity to make more of it. Let’s go over in detail what I was doing the week before this happened

Believe that you can do it: The first step to manifesting money on the street is to believe that it is possible. Have faith in yourself and your ability to attract abundance into your life.

Stay positive

 Maintaining a positive mindset is key to manifesting money. Stay focused on your goal and visualize yourself finding money on the street. Let go of any doubts or negative thoughts that may arise.

Use affirmations

 Affirmations are a powerful tool for manifesting money. Repeat positive affirmations such as “I am abundant” or “Money comes to me easily and effortlessly” while walking down the street.

Keep an eye out for opportunities

 Be on the lookout for coins or bills on the ground as you walk down the street. Stay aware of your surroundings and keep an open mind.

Give thanks

 Express gratitude for any money that you find on the street, no matter how small. Gratitude attracts more abundance into your life.

Final Thoughts

Remember, manifesting money on the street is not about luck or chance. It’s about having the right mindset and staying focused on your goal. By following these tips, you can manifest money on the street and attract abundance into your life.

Money manifests when you align with the vibration of abundance. And now it’s time to break free from limiting beliefs about money and manifest your desires.

I’m offering one-on-one money manifestation coaching sessions to take you deeper and help you uncover what’s holding you back from achieving your financial dreams.

Click on this link to Schedule a free 30-minute Call with me to see how I can help you manifest life-changing dinero.