Just because fulatina made a lot of money following a specific set of advice doesn’t mean the same strategy will work for you. In this article, I will go over why certain money manifestation techniques and personal finance strategies work for some and are not working for you.

It’s annoying AF when even if you follow the advice and strategies of successful people, it is still possible to struggle with money. In fact, it is not uncommon to hear people say, “I did the same thing as fulanita over there, but I still suck at money.”

So, why doesn’t it work for everyone? The answer is simple: everyone has unique circumstances, values, and priorities that influence their relationship with money. Here are some possible reasons why the same strategy that worked for someone else might not work for you:

Different values

Your values and beliefs about money may differ from the person who successfully made and kept the money. For example, you may prioritize experiences over material possessions, while fulanita may value saving for retirement above all else. As a result, you may approach money management differently and require a different strategy.

Different human design

When it comes to how you manifest money, knowing yourself matters. Everyone has a different way of interacting with the world. Some hate reading and would rather have a more involved way to learn. Some people love getting super specific about their manifestation but for others, this level of specificity stresses them out.
Knowing how you are designed and how you interact with the world will help you decide if that strategy will be a sustainable one for you.

Different resources

The resources available to you, such as income, savings, and credit, may differ from those of fulanita. For instance, if you have a lower income, it may be challenging to follow the same saving and investing strategies as someone with a higher income.

This should NEVER be an excuse for not going after your money goals. The level of wealth you want is available to you. For some, it will take a little more creativity to achieve.

A different relationship with money

The way you perceive money and its role in your life may differ from fulanita. For instance, you may view money as a source of stress and anxiety, while fulanita may view it as a tool for achieving their goals. Such differences can affect the result.

Different priorities

Your priorities, such as paying off debt, saving for a down payment, or investing in education, may differ from fulanita. As a result, you may need to adjust your strategy to align with your priorities.

Final Thoughts

The same money management strategy that worked for someone else may not work for you. It is important to understand your unique circumstances, values, and priorities and tailor your approach to money management accordingly. You can see what others are doing to learn from them, sure, but ultimately, the key to effective money manifestation is finding a strategy that works for you.

I’m excited to announce that I’m offering single-session money manifestation coaching for women who are ready to take control of their financial futures. In just one session, I’ll help you identify and release the limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that are keeping you from achieving your financial goals.
With my guidance, you’ll gain the tools and knowledge you need to manifest abundance and prosperity in your life. You’ll learn how to create a positive relationship with money, build your financial literacy, and create a plan for your financial future.

Don’t let money hold you back any longer. Schedule a 30-minute discovery call with me today to learn more about how I can help you release your money blocks and achieve personal financial literacy.
Click on this link to schedule the call!