We all want to manifest money and experience abundance in our lives, but how do we ensure that we’re able to keep it?

In this post, we will look into the idea of an upper limiting problem when it comes to manifesting money. We’ll explore why some people are successful at attracting wealth yet struggle in keeping their wealth. We will also discuss ways that you can break through this upper limit and start creating sustainable patterns for success.

Why is this happening?

Your habits are not aligned

If this sounds like you, it could be that you need to take a close look at your relationship with money and your habits based on your goals. Your habits have to match your goals. Your relationship with money has to match that of the person you want to become.

That is why it is so important to improve your financial literacy. You don’t know what you don’t know!

You have an upper-limiting Problem

If the problem is not strategic you may have an upper limiting problem. Where you make the money, but do something to self-sabotage because deep down. Here is how this may show up for you.

What to do about it?

In the old days before I was self-aware, I would freak out and remind myself why I don’t deserve to have extra money lying around. I would say things like “ You see, I knew it was too good to be true!”

You see, I was really good at manifesting money, but not so much at keeping it.

If this sounds like you, make sure that the reasons why you are losing money are not strategic.

Look at what exactly happened when you lost the money and what lead up to that happening. Did you use your credit card in a sus establishment and it got hacked? Did you invest in something without researching it and lost the money? 

Some things can be prevented but other things are not such as actual emergencies. These are the things I want you to look at on a deep level.

Look at your relationship with money. Do you honestly believe that you are capable of maintaining your wealth? 

Maybe you don’t have the tools and knowledge of how to do that and that’s okay. If you feel that this is your reason, remind yourself that you have the resources available to learn how to not only manage but grow your money.

Do you have a history of losing money, whether it is yourself or seeing your parents lose money growing up?

If you are holding onto those stories of your inability to keep a positive money situation, release them and create a new story.

Think of a net worth or amount of money that is higher than what you have and normalize having that money. Feel good about it and believe that you can be happy with it for an extended period of time.

Having this level of money makes you feel SAFE. Feel it and if possible take the necessary steps to feel self with the money (for example, create a larger emergency fund, brush up your financial literacy, etc).

None of this, waiting for the chancla to drop, it’s not dropping because you are in control.

You have proof that you are able to make money, now it’s time to create a proof of your ability to keep it.

Final Thoughts

Maybe you have no problem manifesting money, but the problem is keeping it. This is a difficult obstacle to overcome, as many of us are masking real-life issues with limiting beliefs and behaviors around money.

Exploring why you lost the money is one of the first things you can do. But you don’t have to go about It alone!

If you are still struggling with your ability to keep money, I invite you to schedule a free 30-minute call with me. Let’s see what’s keeping you stuck in your finances.