Lemme talk about this often overlooked money-changing hack that has supercharged my and my client’s money manifestation game. That is setting an intention for each of your money accounts.

So you have retirement money sitting in one account and save money in another. Within that general non-retirement category, you really should be separating all that out too.

If you are sitting here asking if you really should be having more than one account, the answer is yes, but it depends.

I use to think it was crazy when I heard of people having all these different bank accounts and naming them different things. But I also knew that they were onto something.

First of all, having an intention for each of your savings goals doesn’t mean you have to open multiple accounts (you can but I didn’t want to do that and you probably don’t too). Instead, you can create savings buckets within one account.

By creating savings buckets at online banks like Ally Bank or Capital One, you can easily make multiple sections for different purposes such as emergency funds, vacation savings, a down payment on a house, or everyday bills.  Separating your money this way does a few things for you:

Organizes your money

This allows you to keep your savings organized. Disorganized money causes stress and anxiety plus a lot of unnecessary math. If you have only one savings account that serves as your emergency, travel, new car, and down payment on a house fund, you will need to pay extra careful attention whenever you need to withdraw money and for what. 

If record-keeping is not your jam, have the accounts organize what pot of money should be in each category and you will no longer have this guessing game.  Not only that but it Keeps you from tapping into certain accounts for other reasons. If you need money to go on vacation, you will have to withdraw from the vacation bucket and will think twice about taping into that emergency fund. 

It’s psychological, to want to use the designated fund for the purchase. Now imagine how easy it would be to have one general account that you can use for everything. 

Give yourself some boundaries

Plus if you are in the process of building your savings, having buckets is a great way to visually track your progress toward each goal. That way, you can celebrate your small and large milestones!

Serves as an affirmation that attracts what you name it

Naming your accounts is not just a smart money move, it can also be a powerful form of manifestation. By setting specific savings goals and allocating funds towards them in separate buckets, you are actively putting your intentions into account. Every time money goes into the account, you are taking aligned action toward that goal.

Fun tip: whenever you see the money funded with a new deposit, envision that ultimate goal for this savings account. For example, if you are saving for a month-long sabbatical in the Dominican Republic, imagine yourself spending your weekdays on the beach, your weekends, hiking some mountain, and sipping on Presidente as you watch your neighbors dance merengue in a local bodega. Imagine a different version of this every single time.

As you watch your savings grow and move closer toward your goals, you are reinforcing the belief that you can create the life you want for yourself.

What to name your accounts or buckets

That ultimately depends on what you are saving for. What I would recommend is that you give it a sexy title that sparks some emotion. Below are some examples that can hopefully spark some ideas:

Final Thoughts

Name yo’ money and give it a job. It is a completely free way to get control of your finances all while attracting more of it.

If you are having trouble with manifesting dinero, Schedule a free 30-minute Discovery call with me. We can talk about what is holding you back financially and ways you can get back on track.