One of the first things people tell you when you are trying to get your financial life in order is to cut expenses. But this also comes with its own set of resistance. 

In this article, I will show you an important step you need to take to manifest dinero and how to overcome the resistance that may come up. Keep reading

 Why Reduce Expenses?

Even though we are in the process of manifesting more money, you want to remove the things that are holding you back. You want to shed what is no longer in alignment with the person you want to become. That way you will have room for the things that actually bring you joy. 

What are Dinero Dates

I suggest that at least once a year you set up dinero dates. That’s right, a date with your dinero. Put it on your calendar at a time when you are most alert. For me, it is early in the morning when my mind is fresh and before the activities of the day begin to distract me.

What you need to do is a list of

Today let’s just focus on your fixed expenses. Things like internet bills, home payments, subscriptions, car insurance, etc. Mind you, I’m not talking about the things you need to survive (utilities, food, and shelter). I want you to include fun stuff like your Netflix subscription and other random fixed costs that don’t change much every month.

The goal here is to go through the list and determine if you can somehow 

Let me tell you something, having dinero dates are a necessary step in your journey to financial freedom. However, be prepared for some major resistance. 

When Resistance Comes Knockin

You may resist making changes to the services you pay for on a monthly basis. How does it come up for you?

Do any of the options below sound familiar?

This is what resistance to get out of your comfort looks like:

Amiga, this is a money block and it is costing you hundreds or thousands of dollars each year. 

I get it, amiga, you’ve got a lot to do. But dig deep if TIME is the only issue here. Oh, you have time to find a better and cheaper option to lower your monthly fixed cost. Keep in mind I am also focusing on BETTER service. Cheaper is not always better. But you can get cheaper AND better things out there.

The Real Reason for the Resistance (Find the RRR)

Our brains are conditioned to stay in the know. The things that you are familiar with are safe because you trust what you already have. Yeah, these utilities have been in your life forever and they have done you well, but have you explored if they align with the next-level version of you? 

This exercise will save you dinero but you gotta get out of your own head.

Write down all of your fixed costs.

 ALL OF THEM. Include the company, the monthly price, and how you feel about them (it’s okay if this line is meh). starting with the ones you had the longest

Pick one service a week.

 Only one because we are dividing this into small chunks – this is another mindset hack: our minds like to over-catastrophize things when they become a whole production. Keep tasks small and manageable. I suggest you pick the company or service you’ve had the longest.

Detach yourself 

Become a dissociated 3rd party and detach yourself from this service. That includes your history with it. 

Mentally solidify what you want

Imagine what you want to get out of this service. Do you want faster internet? Do you want to pay less? 

Explore your options

Set aside 30 minutes a few times a week to compare with competitors. Look at reviews and price points.

If you find a better service, make the switch. *This may lead to major resistance*

How to overcome resistance 

This is where the resistance might show up 

Take a deep breath and imagine the following mantra “I detach from xyz service. You served me well once but I am ready for something better. I thank zyx person/myself for suggesting I keep it until I’m ready to move on, the time is now, and I’m excited for what’s next”

Begin to list the benefits of the new service you are switching to. Get excited about it! Think of all the extra money you’ll have in your pocket. Think of how much more convenient the new service will be and how you’ll have more peace of mind.

Think of this change as an upgrade. 


The next part will depend on the person but once I’ve made up my mind, I would set up the new service before I cancel the other one. I do this all on the same day. This will help me to avoid changing my mind.

Be ready for your old service to come up with cheaper and better options in order for you to stay with them. (if you love the company, speak with them first before officially making the change)

Final Thoughts

Changing from the familiar to something new may lead to some resistance and that’s normal. The trick here is to focus more on where you are going and if it’s in alignment with where you want to be rather than focusing on what you are leaving behind.

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Cheers to abundance!