woman with hands on face who is stressed out because of her toxic job

The Tale of the Toxic Job

A client called me heartbroken because the job that she manifested and which she thought was her dream job turned out to be a massive lie and another toxic job.

“They fooled me, comadre, and I feel so stupid to have believed this was my dream. Why did I manifest this?”

These things happen, heck, it happened to me! And it wasn’t one of those situations where over time I outgrew the place and therefore it was no longer aligned with my vision of my dream job. I literally got hired, logged in, and within a week realized that this was not right for me. “It’s not what I meant!” I would say to the universe.

I caught myself doing what my client was doing, which is to spiral down into questions like

The shame and embarrassment were real for me and I can see it strangling my client as well. It was at this moment that I realized how common this is: You spend weeks or months manifesting your dream job. You find it, only to find out it was all bullshit and you immediately want to quit. 

Here is what I’ll tell you:

This Toxic Job was meant to Happen 

I would roll my eyes every time I was in the middle of a crisis and people would tell me “This is meant to happen”. You never truly believe it until you are out of the fire and are looking back. But at least entertaining this fact will help you get through it faster

You become dissociated from the bullshit and therefore are able to think more clearly. That is, without the high-intensity emotions.

You begin to look for parts of this situation that you can use as leverage to help you get out of it. While you are here, might as well learn from it.

Trust me, no not me, trust in your higher self when it tells you that you are there for a reason. Whether it’s to learn something yourself that will get you to the next step or (as annoying as it is) to change someone else’s world with your experience. 

Besides, clarity comes with action. Here, you will learn what you don’t want which will help you get more specific about what you DO want next time. Your action sets a train in motion and more opportunities will come up for you as you have leveled up – like in a video game. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay to find out. 

“The entire universe is conspiring to give you everything you want”

Abraham Hicks

This is Not the Only Job out There

 Don’t worry about the job reports you see online or the news yelling about a recession, your dream job is out there. They are hiring!

However, be flexible at this time and even look at possibilities that you normally wouldn’t look at. They may surprise you.

Leaving a Toxic Job so Soon is Not Job Hopping

Strategically, leaving within a month of getting hired will not ruin your chances of getting a new job. It won’t appear as job hopping as I once thought.

I use to have this personal preference of always staying with a company for 5+ years and looked down on the recent trend of job hopping. But over time, I began to see the benefits of not taking crap from crappy work environments.

If you do decide to leave soon after getting hired, just do it. The only thing I’ll tell you here is to not put the temporary gig on your resume (I was told this by various recruiters) but definitely mention it in a future interview with your next potential dream job.

Explain to them why even after you’ve done your research, you realized that it’s not what you were expecting. Be honest. For me, I didn’t fit in with the culture; they were simply not mi gente.

There are a ton of videos and articles on how to handle this conversation with potential employers. For now, release the limiting belief that you will be rejected just because you changed your mind. 

Set an Empowering Example

Be that badass trendsetter every company needs. Your choice will set an example to others – you have a choice. So take this opportunity to stand up for what you believe in.

By leaving a toxic workplace, you are setting an example and creating a ripple effect that will lead to change. Maybe not within the company (even though you probably tried) but you can empower others to not take the crap.

You can show others that if they are not happy, they can change their realities too. They are not actually stuck and neither are you.

Temporary Discomfort will Lead to Freedom in the Long Run 

Yeah, I know it sucks to get back out there in the interviewing game. But do you really wanna spend the next 5-15 years in a soul-sucking environment working over 50 hours a week? Just because you feel bad about leaving. Just because some Boomer told you that you can’t be job hopping.

 Nah, girl, aight nobody got time for that!

 This is your life and your future. Staying in a place that sucks will do more harm than good for everyone involved. As your mood darkens, you will attract more of what you don’t want.

Do yourself a favor and get out asap. This temporary discomfort will be worth it once you find tu gente.

What Next?

You may be feeling like you can’t trust your judgment anymore and that is super normal. But if you go about this with a mindset of “ this past experience is meant to happen and is just a stepping stone to my actual dream job,” it will seem less of a mistake and more of just that, a stepping stone. We are not putting blame on anyone – not you or the employer that sucks.

Keep doing what you’ve done in the past:

Oye, this is the time to keep your eyes open to what is really meant for you. If you are looking for guidance in taking that next massage step towards dinero freedom, I invite you to schedule a 90-minute call with me.

If you are not sure if we would be a good fit, let’s chat for 30 minutes to find out. Click here for a FREE discovery call.

Let’s create a money attraction plan that is sure to make it happen!

Cheers to abundance!