If you have not been able to manifest the level of cash you’ve dreamed of, chances are there are blocks keeping you from it. It can manifest as money frustrations which are actually money blocks. This article will show you what you can do to remove your frustrating money blocks so that you can attract dinero with ease

What are Money Blocks?

Dinero blockers are limiting beliefs you have about money. They can be stemmed from something that you learned long ago and have accepted as fact. 

They can also be a very strong emotion tied to an event you now see as proof of why you can’t reach a new level of wealth.

It can also be something as simple as holding grudges and attachment to an event, circumstance, or person. That petty fight you had with fulanito 6 years ago that is still pissing you off can be somehow related to your money setbacks.

Why Remove Money Frustrations?

Let’s be real, we hold onto a lot of junk. Mental trash that keeps clogging up our ability to see the very opportunities to make us bank.

Why tho? Because part of our minds was built to really focus on danger in order for us to survive. Our first ancestors needed to get the heck out of a dangerous animal’s way. Forward that to when our ancestors were abducted and forced into slavery. They needed to know who could be trusted.

 But nowadays trivial stuff triggers this part of our brain. Trivial things like spending money or taking action towards more income spark emotions of fear, anger, disgust, shame – you know those emotions that lower our vibration and our chances of monetary success.

You know when people tell you to meditate and say these beautiful affirmations but deep down inside you are calling major bullshit? Then your mind does to the reasons why this is bullshit? 

Yeah – it’s not the affirmations that don’t work. It’s that you don’t allow them to work. Your analytical mind shoes even give it a chance so you block yourself from getting the benefit.

Well, there are blocks trying to keep you in the same financial spot.

Holding onto grudges, unpleasant feelings, anger, etc is causing more damage to you than you believe. If you don’t release the mind trash,  it will get to a point where you will self-sabotage your manifestation. Your mind will bring you back to hurt because it’s inside you screaming for help and it’s only going to get louder amiga.

After a while, it will manifest as a physical illness to get your attention. Don’t let it get that far.

When to do this?

There is no right or wrong time or season to do this.

 I encourage you to release often and whenever you are feeling angry, frustrated, sad, or just off.

Many money manifestation queens will tell you to practice releasing techniques on a full moon. Totally do that, because this is an epic time to release – but don’t limit it to full moons. You can release money blocks at any time.

I personally like to work on money blocks when my mind is more suggestive. This means when I am in a calm state. Like right before going to bed, when in a hypnotic state, when meditation, or just chilling out. This is when you can listen to whatever is coming up with the distractions of life and your ego.

How long will this take?

 Don’t expect to release things quickly either. Some blocks are so deep in your subconscious mind, that you will need to dedicate major cojones to wipe them out. Remember, you could be dealing with years or centuries of inherited money trauma. That stuff takes time to heal.

 Even then, they may come back in the future as you experience things that trigger you. No te procupes, though, because the next time you experience this block, you will know how to deal with it and it will be easier and easier to release. 

How can you do this? 

The first thing you need to do is ask yourself why. Why do you feel this way? Bring up and explore exactly what is going on. 

Don’t be blaming other people for it, look at it from an objective point of view. What are the facts and why do you feel this way? 

No blame no shame over here, you are being very curious about your current circumstances. It’s like you are exploring someone else’s life, or reading your life in a book. Like murder mystery that’s your jam – what happened, who done did it. The who is the limiting belief.

Now to the fun part – it’s time for release …

Do this with the purpose of releasing. By releasing, you are bringing up negative emotions 9it can get heavy) but the intent is to let go, cut cords, and release. It is no longer attached to you and no longer your problem. The connection has been severed.

Let’s begin

What you can do

There are many things you can do to release these limiting beliefs and even let out some steam… Explore whichever one of these calls out to you.


 Pretending everything is ok is hurting you. STOP THAT. It’s important for you to release things to make room for the manifestations you want. It clears out the mental trash on the runway of your timeline to make room for the landing of bigger and more luxurious planes.

Keep in mind that everyone releases things differently and I am here to support you in making room in your money journey for bigger and better things. Schedule a 1:1 call using this link or save $$$ with a  bundle of calls.

Cheers to abundance!