I got myself the much-coveted monstera albo this weekend from my favorit plant shop of all time – The Farm at Green Village. For those in the plant community, you know that this plant has been deemed one of the most expensive plants of the plant-demic. 

plant monstera

Wet nodes, aka pieces of this plant, can easily run you over the $200 mark. I was one of those that bought a wet node for $250 a year ago and it just now opened its second leaf.

Swipe the photo below to see the before and after.

Now i know that this is a blog about money and mindset but hear me out. Something happened to me when the opportunity came to buy my ultimate wishlist plant and at first, it was not pretty.

Story Time

Over the weekend, I went to my favorite plant shop in New Jersey and they were selling mature full grown monstera albos for $500 (after taxes). To be honest, I was doing my usual Instagram stalking and when I saw they had Albos, I ran. A few days later, I went with my husband with the intention to look at the monstera (no one was permitted to touch it) and do one of my favorite manifestation rituals: window shopping and pretending I’m here for the plant but not actually buy it.

I could buy it if I wanted to, but right now I’m going through a situation where I would rather give the money to my mother who is in major need of it.

Anyways, There was one more in stock. Not the whitest specimen but pretty solid. It had 4 big holely leaves with a 5th one on the way. She was beautiful and I was already thinking about what to call her.

Something about this plant made me feel luxurious, imagine having her in my space. The trend with my husband and I lately has been that a new monstera purchase signifies a new chapter in our lives.

Our last purchase last year happened when my husband was going through a career change. How epic to get a full-grown big boss lady plant for my career change. While typing this article I was in betweem jobs – having put in my 2 weeks notice and another one waiting for me to start.

Well ,my husband had other plans for this monstera. He wasd actually serious about buying it!

This was when the doubt crept in: 

At that moment I choose to banish all of these emotions. My husband and I looked at each other and we agreed to get it.  After we said yes, the negative stream of what-if scenarios got worse and it got to the point where I was in almost tears when I handed the cashier my credit card.

In my mind, I knew what was happening. Part of my brain assaulted me with negative what-ifs – this was my ego making me feel bad for what I was doing vs the rational side telling me “Muchacha, it’s only $500, you can easily afford that AND give your mom the money! Plus the money will come back to you in due time. You are the queen of money manifestation”

I recognized a story in my head that a woman like me, who is responsible, professional, smart, and financially savvy would not buy such an expensive plant. Well, according to Who? I’ll tell you: people who don’t really understand my love for plants – this very plant is in my frickin business logo! They don’t understand what this purchase represents to me – how it signifies new beginnings and the leveling up in my career. They don’t have the money to invest in something for themselves because they are too busy prioritizing other things.

I got this from everyone I grew up around. 

All this came to me after I bought the plant and we took a walk around the store’s koi pound. When I realized this fact, I thank each and every person that had a role in this belief and I forgave them.  I am on my own path and my investments are in alignment with the identity of the woman I want to become. 

That includes having a super rare monstera albo staring at me every day as I manifest more money.

Cheers to investing in things that light you up!